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Kristin Whetham

Kristin Whetham
Lesson Plans
Teacher Name: Kristin Whetham and Daniel Cornelison
Grade Level and Content: 6th -8th
Timeline of Lesson Plan: 2 weeks Start Date: 03.27.17 End Date: 04.28.17
GOALS: Common Core State Standards/AR Frameworks
Number | Description |
PEL.1.8.2 | Assess position with relationship to participants and boundaries in a variety of sports (e.g., front line in volleyball, service line in tennis, create a strategy plan for a team in an activity) |
PEL.4.6.1 | Understand the physical and environmental dangers associated with decisions made during different physical activities (e.g., standing too close to the batter, and terrain awareness) |
PEL.4.7.1 | Accept and respect the decisions made by game officials and other authority figures (e.g., official calls are accepted as final, no verbal or non-verbal contesting) |
Non Literacy and Math teachers be sure to include your content literacy CCSS
Enduring Understandings for Content or Grade Level | Essential and Guiding Questions for Content or Grade Level |
Assessment Evidence
Type and Tools | Quadrants |
Observation Participation |
Learning Activities:
Day | Instructional Plan | Resources | Quadrants |
Monday | Teacher will take role while students are getting into their stretching positions. Students will participate in a variety of different stretches then they will engage in a 10 minute walk/run. Students will be divided up into groups by the teacher. The students will begin working on passing skills for volleyball. (Volleyball) | Gym, Score Clock, |
Volleyballs, Net |
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Tuesday | Teacher will take role while students are getting into their stretching positions. Students will participate in a variety of different stretches then they will engage in a 10 minute walk/run. Students will be divided up into groups by the teacher. Students will begin working on serving skills for volleyball. (Volleyball) | Gym, Score Clock, Volleyball, Net |
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Wednesday | Teacher will take role while students are getting into their stretching positions. Students will participate in a variety of different stretches then they will engage in a 10 minute walk/run. Students will be divided up into groups by the teacher. Students will compete in different passing games ex: figure 8, 4 corners, and Hot potato for the outcome of a winner. (Volleyball) | Gym, Score Clock, Volleyballs, Net |
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Thursday | Teacher will take role while students are getting into their stretching positions. Students will participate in a variety of different stretches then they will engage in a 10 minute walk/run. Students will be divided up into 2 teams by the teacher. Students will begin playing different serving games ex: dead fish, around the world, and first to ten. (Volleyball) | Gym, Score Clock, Volleyballs, Net |
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Friday | Teacher will take role while students are getting into their stretching positions. Students will participate in a variety of different stretches then they will engage in a 10 minute walk/run. Students will be divided up into teams by the teacher. Students will participate in a volleyball scrimmage to 10 points. (Volleyball) | Gym, Score Clock, Volleyballs, Net | |
Differentiated Instruction: Be sure include Special needs, ESL, and GT
The teachers will put students into teams with students that will be able to help one another. |