Welcome to Mrs. Byrd's Counseling Page

Berryville School Counseling Department Mission/Vision Statement:
The school counseling program will work to enable all students in the Middle School to reach and attain educational success by providing guidance and counseling in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social development as well as through a collaborative effort between parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, and the community to enhance learning and success. This program will help students overcome challenges associated with learning and development and will advocate for an environment that strives for achievement for all students regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc. Diversity is respected and appreciated as school counselors enhance unity among students, school stakeholders, and the community. The school counseling program will strive to help students develop competencies to address deficits, strengthen capabilities and skills, and address personal responsibility as students work towards secondary education, postsecondary education and/or entrance into the workforce.
School-based Resources
phone: 870-480-4623